11 research outputs found

    A database on health records

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenA Bill has been put for Althingi that if passed will authorise the Minister of Health to give permit to an unspecified agent to establish and maintain a country wide database containing all health records, genetic data and family relations for all Icelanders covering the last 20-30 years. In the article reasons are given for why this should not be permitted based on laws on privacy and confidentiality of medical records.Frumvarp til laga um gagnagrunna á heilbrigðissviði hefur verið lagt fram. Um er að ræða víðtækan gagnagrunn um öll heilsufarsgögn Íslendinga lífs og liðinna 20-30 ár aftur í tímann með erfðafræðilegum upplýsingum auk ættartengsla. Í greininni eru færð rök gegn því að allsherjargagnagrunni á heilbrigðissviði verði komið upp

    Estimating size in incremental software development projects.

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    This work develops a quantitative analytical framework for the estimation of the size of projects in incremental and agile development environments. By extending the COCOMO approach, the paper explores the relationship between the effort possible within such constrains and the number of planned increments thereby offering an added scope for tradeoffs in effort-boxed projects. The work shows the impact of adjusting increments in dynamic and complex environments when time and resources are fixed. It therefore provides a new reasoning method to enable developers and managers to reach intelligent decisions and reduce the likelihood of failure

    Comparison of software development life cycles: a multiproject experiment.

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    This research focuses on the comparison of outputs and outcomes related to the application of life cycle processes and how they are reflected in the resulting products. The research involved 15 teams developing comparable products using four different paradigms over one year and thus offers a way of assessing claims related to agile methods and XP. Very little comparative information is available for decision makers as virtually no similar studies exist. The work has resulted in three invited keynotes and is currently being replicated internationally as developers and managers seek further guidance about the selection and impact of process models

    COCOMO-based effort estimation for iterative and incremental software development.

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    This paper proposes a COCOMO-style effort model for incremental development/delivery of software projects. We explore the relationship between effort and the number of increments, thereby providing new insights into the economic impact of incremental approaches to software projects. There has been little work in this important area to date and such a model could prove invaluable to industry

    Notes on argument-parameter association in Fortran

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